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EmpowHER Guest

Wow....such great advice from so many strong empowered women. Tragically like all of you I am in the same situation. 2 yrs together, 27 & 34 (him) healthy everywhere else in our relationship, but the dwindling sex has been for almost 6 months.
After reading all of this, it seems like a lot of the posters are young. Mentally young and actually YOUNG. I mean the misspellings, improper grammar, and the "cheating posts" from men are gross misrepresentations of men as a whole.
However the thread has been very helpful. I know now that I need to move on, because nothing will change.
Personally I know he's not cheating on me, except for that HJ he told me about from the "massage" parlor while I was at the grocery store. I love him, but I will love again.
My requests for logical explanations are just coming off as "Nagging" requests for sex.
I get a nasty responses as if I were challenging his manhood whenever I feel unattractive and undesired and want REASONS for why he hides his erections from me or whacks when I leave the house for 20 mins.
Whatever, this is natural. Soulmates, true love....marriage....fairy tales I should have left long ago with all the rest of the SOCIAL LIE to keep humans "good".
However it hurts so much, because I love him and just like all girls, I WANT to be wanted by what I WANT, which is him.
I'm sure his dwindling libido has a lot to do with the fact that he's over-weight, an alcoholic, an ex ROID abuser, and probably just not interested in me, despite what he says.
I’m no dummy, I know that stuff’s not going to change. However I’ve put off my career to appease his desires, to try to reignite our passion, and to make this work. What a waste....it’s only now that the passion’s dead and the love is still lingering that I can almost see clearly enough to realize this is just like everything else: getting OLD.
Next relationship I’m in, as soon as the sex dwindles I’ll be OUT like shout.

If you only get ONE thing from this whole thread, it’s that there’s 1081 posts and 75% of them are similar stories, so leave. Look for NEW, better, happier, and from within. ALSO NEVER PUT OFF YOUR CAREER FOR A MAN! EVER!!!!!

May 23, 2011 - 7:55pm


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