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EmpowHER Guest

Ok, so here's my question... My boyfriend and I have great sex, when we have it. It was obviously more common at the beginning of our relationship and became less common as time moved on. Because we have several friends in common i have been told that he brags about our sex life. Now before I go on, I know he's not cheating, I could give a million reasons why, so im going to make it simple and just say him cheating isn't an option. The issue im having is it will be a month tomorrow that we haven't had sex. He says there isn't a reason and leaves it at that. I still look the same, weigh the same, we still do the same activities together, we still have fun together, just no sex now for some reason and im really confused. Here's the crazy part, he still askes to be orally gratified but doesn't seem to care that I have needs too. What's going on??

March 20, 2011 - 11:14pm


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