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(reply to Anonymous)

hi, i have tried all of this already.
because i felt it would be easier to talk to him by writing on paper because we wouldnt be getting in each others faces. But when i give him the letter he doesnt want to read it. so i told him that i would really apriciate it if he read the letter. so then he finally reads it. Then when he rights back he writes one stupid sentence----> "babe go get me a pepsi"....then he laughs like its funny. He never wants to communicate with me on a serious level. He does everything just to avoid it. I try so hard to be calm and patient with him. but i am about to lose it because he wont give in. we have not had sex or been affectionate in over a year now. I still feel that spark for him but he doesnt seem like he is into me sexually anymore. He has commented on how i look great after having our son.
I just dont know what else to try. i have gotten so much advice from people and it seems as if i have tried everything. we get along just fine other than the fact that he is not affectionate. I try to be affectionate twards him and he just pushes me away and laughs. I dont know what else to do.

December 8, 2010 - 1:26pm


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