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So, I am a 24 year old straight male. I stumbled upon this after seeing "My boyfriend stopped having sex with me, why?" In my google search bar in the top right of the computer screen. Seems that my GF is consulting my computer rather than talking to me directly about it. Lame. I'm am now hoping, after reading a lot of your posts in here that I may be able to shed some light on this type of situation, or at least my reason(s) for lack of interest in intercourse. First off, let me fill you in on some details. We've been together for about three years now, living together for about two and recently had a baby. While it was unexpected, it is certainly not a regret of mine nor hers. Our relationship like most, started out primarily based around sex before growing into more.
So before I go any further I'd like to say just for the record, I'm not gay and I'm not cheating, nor did I at any point cheat or consider homosexuality.

As far as my situation goes, it really boils down to the energy that is being given vs. the energy that is being received. There must be some form of balance or else one party will feel like they are bored and taken for granted. In which case that said party will lose interest and the sex WILL die. It could go either way.

I am always trying to move forward with life. I have goals, dreams, ambition, aspiration and skill. I work hard and I play hard. I have many hobbies and interests. I cook, I clean, I spend time with the baby and I pay for pretty much everything.
My GF doesn't seem to be interested in much of anything other than face book and the baby. Fine.

Here's my breaking point. (Note: There is always a breaking point, figure it out and you'll probably not be so stumped as to why you aren't getting any)

We went out for some drinks a few weeks ago at about 11pm. a couple of hours went by and I told her that I'd like to go home seeing as how the baby was with a baby sitter. She said okay, I have to pee, be right back. I wait outside for her for half an hour. I got sick of it and went to the car. Two hours later she comes out of the bar wasted, gets in the car and tells me we have to go home.
We get home, I get ready for bed (I have to work in the morning)and she decides she's pissed at me because I'm being a d*ck and decides to sleep in the spare bedroom. Fine. At six AM the baby wakes up to eat. She then stumbles her drunk a** into the bedroom and attempts to feed the baby! WTF? who is this person? so, I take the baby, feed her a bottle, meanwhile the GF is screaming at me. Telling me how much of a fag I am and that I don't do anything, and I can't pay rent and this, that and the other. WTF? who is this person?? The next day she acts like nothing ever happened. I don't know if she just didn't remember or if she's just that self centered. I didn't talk to her all day. finally she asked what was wrong, so I told her what she had done and that it was completely uncalled for and hurt my feelings. She left the room for a minute came back to smoke a cig and that was that. No apology, nothing. And you wonder why I won't F*ck you?? Not only do you not do anything/contribute but you get down on me for busting my a** and paying your way?? I don't think so.

So, to all of you that typed in "my boyfriend stopped having sex with me, Why?"
Take a step back and try to figure out why he might have stopped putting in effort. I almost guarantee that it has something to do with the way that you treat him.
Or, hey maybe it is because he cheated on you. But there is probably a reason for that too.
It doesn't just all the sudden happen for no reason.

November 19, 2010 - 12:30pm


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