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EmpowHER Guest

try being with someone for nearly 6 years and then suddenly he decidedes he cant be bothered to have sex with me. im actually thinking about leaving him. we have a lot going on with finances,but he doesnt seem to show hes bothered with that,i know hes not playing away.i even asked him outright if he still fancied me-and he answered ofcourse. infact the only time he wants to try it with me is when i ask him why he wont or doesnt have the urge, then i wont let him because why should i have sex with him out of pity of me? he doesnt even seem to know me anymore so it looks like hes lost interest in me,and as sad as it seems , if hes not satisfiying me then my needs are not met, and why should i go without? and because of this im falling out of love with him. sex is an importnant part of bonding in a relationship and without it the love is fading away

November 18, 2010 - 7:04am


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