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Hey Anonymous - I so feel your pain. I am also 28 and he is 32 and we have no children and live in a lovely house. But maybe something is missing, the sex certainly is! Christine J seems to have some sound advice. I think just writing down how I was feeling and not being judged has helped a lot. When I did that and read it back to myself I did start to assess our relationship and why we're together. I remember that we have the same sense of off the wall humour. We like some of the same things too. I'm in awe of his intelligence, although sometimes this can make him quite arrogant too. I confronted him today about his job situation and the first thing he said was that he wanted to quit his job and leave the country. A little dramatic, I know. So we spoke about what he could do and he seems to have perked up a bit. I won't be jumping him tonight, but as we lay together in bed I'll think about those other things that make me so in love with him. The sex can be worked on once he's in a better frame of mind to confront it. Right now it seems that he is focused on work stuff. Saying that, I do wonder about our compatibility in bed, I do find myself thinking about other people and have jokingly suggested having an 'open' relationship. But I'm too much of a jealous person to share. This is really helping me though, just to get it out there is really helping, especially knowing I'm not the only one. I hope everybody else on here is finding some peace in our common war.

November 4, 2010 - 1:49pm


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