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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
My initial gut reaction says he's scared of committing, and second guessing the decision to move in together and get married. It may be as simple as that. Try to give him a little space. If you are scared too, tell him in a loving way--he may be relieved to hear you are having the same concerns. Whatever you do, don't accuse. Only say how you are feeling. It's completely natural, and super-common what you described.
Pre-Marital counseling may help in your situation. It also may help you to read some more sex and relationship articles on EmpowHER:
Sex & Relationship Articles and Communication Tips
I truly hope you and your fiance can work through this unsettling time and get back to the wonderful "two of you" time.
Good luck and let us know if you have any other questions.

November 4, 2010 - 11:40am


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