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EmpowHER Guest

actually girl i am goin through the same thing but im older one but we are very much alike in the same way attitude the same and personalities but anyways idk i need to have it like all the time it seems like everything we been together for over a year and our sex decreased as well and i didnt know why but my boyfriend told me why we dont as much anymore cause he is busy and dont really have anywhere to do it at (we dont have our own place yet) but im sure something like this has gone down were your really really horny and want it so bad and you kinda expect it to go down but he doesnt want to or it just doesnt end up happening and you get mad well getting mad doesnt solve anything i found out the hard way what you need to do is actually sit down and talk to him what i had to do idk why us girls have to do it but we do sit down talk to him and see when hes not busy and when he is so you cant brace yourself the day you can do it with him and the days hes busy that you know of you wont be as upset and it seems that you to be

November 4, 2010 - 10:34am


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