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EmpowHER Guest

Is crazy how many of us have the same situation, is really sad and depressing, well thats how I fell now. Is so nice to have some body that desire you and want you, not just to give you good kises and tell you how beautifull you are, the passion is a compliment of a cople I think. Im the same of most of the stories here, prety, sweet, I do anything for him, I try to be sexy and eaven dress sexy in the house just for him, nothing works. I love him but it makke me fell this situation so bad about my self. I know he love me and dont cheat on me, so what I think is that he is just boring to be with the same person but he love so much that he cant acepted or dont want to lose me. And when we do it generally he dont eaven care of me, is like just to do something and get it out of the way. I just wish it will be like the firsth months we was togueter... Ho well I was thinking to lieve for a wile so maybe he desaire me again, but he never will acepted. Ho well is so ironic, firsth they wanted so much and when they haved then they dont care... Is just sad we are 28 and he 32, no kids, live in a beautiful place and I work from home, he knows im just for him and I will do anything... But well will see what happen...

November 4, 2010 - 9:53am


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