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EmpowHER Guest

Please can someone help me! Ive been with my man 5 years, and last april when he asked me to marry him was the greatest day of my life. We decided to rent a flat together and during the run up to moving in he started being off with me. He was saying sly remarks, refusing to kiss and cuddle me- never mind sex! We moved in at the begginin of sept and the first week was amazin! He went back to his old loving self!! But ever since then hes gone cold again! Ive tried to speak to him nicely about it but he goes off on one saying im never happy with what i have and i always want more, but i dont think a kiss or a cuddle a day is really asking for a lot! We're surpose to be getting married next summer, but no matter how much i love him, i just cant commit to spending the rest of my life so lonely, unwanted and unappreciated! Please can someone help me to save my relationship!!?

November 3, 2010 - 5:44pm


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