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(reply to CherryChick)

Hi CherryChick,
Thank you for being a part of the EmpowHER community. I'm glad the site is serving as an inspiration for you. I understand how hard it can be when you see the physical part of your relationship dwindle before your eyes. Are you and your boyfriend intimate in other ways? What (besides for all the sex at the beginning) was it that drew you together initially? Maybe if you focus on that a while you may see improvement in your relationship. Otherwise, I know sex isn't everything, but sexual incompatibility is something you can easily overlook. It can be a deal breaker in a dating relationship where you are just trying to see if you two fit for a longer-term relationship. For whatever reason, he is shutting you out, and it's not cool. I commend your courage to voice your concerns. If your boyfriend continues to be unreceptive to your attempts to regain the fire in your relationship, you would not be in the wrong to decide you need a change. No doubt that will be a tough decision, but you deserve to be happy and comfortable in your relationship, not lonely and in despair. I contend that life is too short to be wasting time with the wrong guy.
Here are more articles on Relationships and Sex in case you are looking for more information and tips for dealing with this:
Relationships & Sex Articles and Tips
If you need further support, come back, or you may want to mention it to your doctor to see if a few meetings with a therapist might help you work through these feelings you're having--this can be a learning experience for you, one you can use to know more about yourself and set you up for more happiness in the future.
Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

November 3, 2010 - 11:29am


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