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Hi, this site is making me rise from my loneliness and despair. I really did feel like everybody in the world in a loving relationship was having frequent good sex and that I was the exception. I love my boyf so much but the lack of sex is making me wonder what I will do next. I have NEVER had a boyf that didn't want to have sex with me, and not just sex but all the other stuff too. I love the build up if you know what I mean. But with this one we started off having sex 3/4 times a week. Then we moved in together and it pretty much stayed like that for a while. Then it went down to once a week after we'd been together for a year. And now I'd be lucky to get anything every 6 weeks. We've been together for 18months now and I keep trying to talk to him about it but he just says he's not in the mood or he's stressed about work. I can't talk to my friends about it as its too embrassing, especially as they know what my previous relationships have been like, they also know that sex is a big deal for me so might encourage me to take drastic actions. When we do have sex he's so selfish and doesn't check if I'm enjoying it too, he just does his thing and that also upsets me. It seems like he needs to be intoxicated on alcohol or for me to have something kinky on (he's into BDSM) to even stir any kind of sexual feelings for him. Like someone else said, I want him to WANT me and want me to enjoy having sex with him. I think it would be harsh to leave him for this, but I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. Just bigger gaps between mediocre sex with him. What do I do??

November 3, 2010 - 6:38am


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