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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Bob here.
Your post has a lot of good detail, going to take a while for all to absorb.

One point that might give you a small 'life-raft' as a way back to her: you like to get things done. You would LIKE to have incentive to go to her. How about you set yourself a 'reward' for completing a project. 'Honey! I finished this. I feel great. What do you say to some celebrating? Do you want to help me get the cork off of this "bottle" to let the "champagne" out??!!'

i.e. replace "bottle" with your bodily part that lets out "champagne", but make sure you still have some left for her...

And, once she realizes what finishing a project can mean... or you might have to tell her 'Just wait until I finish this, then I will feel pretty good.'

Just some thoughts that came to mind.


September 17, 2010 - 2:33pm


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