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I have been with my fiance for 2 1/2 years and we were friends for 4 years first. We stopped having sex on a regular basis when i was 5 months pregnant. He said he was weirded out by the baby being inside me while we had sex. But my daughter is 10 months old and we still don't have sex very often. And when we do most of the time it's just sex. I do not orgasm from sex (only from oral sex). Before i got pregnant almost everytime we had sex we would have oral sex too so that i could orgasm. But not since the baby. He hardly ever gives me oral sex, let alone any sex. He get's erections and can have sex..he says that he just doesnt want to. I dont understand. We have talked about it many times he of course swears it's not me.. or my weight gain from the baby. I know that he is not cheating on me (I have been married before and know what that feels like) he's not that kind of a guy. We are in our mid 20's, this doesn't make sense to me. As if gaining weight with my baby didnt do enough to my self esteem, now its been a little over year of him rejecting me and pushing me away....what do i do?

June 28, 2010 - 9:15am


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