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EmpowHER Guest

There are several possibilities, none of them good.

1. He's cheating on you, and since he's getting sex elsewhere, he no longer needs it from you.
2. He's gay, and was faking enjoying sex early on, but tired of going through the motions.
3. He no longer finds you attractive (if, for instance, there has been a dramatic change in your appearance).
4. He's using drugs. Perhaps just prescription drugs. Several can lower sexual desire or result in impotence, such as antidepressants, antihypertensives and cholesterol lowering medicines.
5. He has an impotence problem, and you caught him at an unusually good time early on. Now he's returned to what is normal for him, and doesn't initiate sex because he's afraid he can't perform.
6. He's under some sort of major outside pressure (such as an extremely demanding work schedule, a pending arrest, or the death of a loved one) which has made him so distracted and/or fatigued that he just can't get in the mood very often.

June 22, 2010 - 6:55pm


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