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EmpowHER Guest

Its very hard to put a handle on this, but I went through the same thing. Stop asking and nagging him for it.. I know it hurts but this is what you do. Be the same woman you've always been. Start taking notice in the things he likes and start making yourself nice all the time and do sexy little things to catch his attention but be subtle. Act like you could care less even fall asleep some where else...trust me he will come looking for you. It will work it will take a few days but keep it up. Do not mention it, do not touch him in any sexual way, kiss him only on the forehead or cheek and be happy. Pretend like everything is fine. Now when he finally starts to touch you don't go nuts, let him have full control. Afterwards dont talk to him just smile and get up or go to sleep. make sure you concentrate and get yours cause ladies this is definately not for you this is for him in his mind. Do not lose your selfesteem, or think this is your fault this is his problem....just help him without him knowing it. Trust me it worked and now we have sex all the time and when things seem like they are slowing down, i let it and start all over again.

May 22, 2010 - 7:31pm


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