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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Im a female and i watch porn....Everybody has done it...i have a bad self esteem but when it comes to making love or "having sex" i feel like im the hottest girl in the world, It s all in our head...when your man comes home an hour late, or he doesnt answer your call, I have had so many bad thoughts, but i checked him, his phone,his email and his myspace to see if he was sleeping around, and yet i found nothing, If you can find anyway to make yourself feel sexy or beautiful do it, and if your man is wiht you remeber your the one he sleeps next to not some other girl:)) Stay true to yourself and if your gaining weight so what bigger girls are sexy, Thin girls are sexy to....Watch the movie phat girls starring monique<3

April 26, 2010 - 7:47pm


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