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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks for the the comments on this post. Yes, there is definitely a common issue with both sexes on this issue. Sometimes the women are left unsatisfied and sometimes the men are left unsatisfied. The key issue here is that someone is unhappy in the relationship, right? No matter if it is sex or not.

This is where two people need to be very honest with each other to find out the reasoning behind one or the other being unhappy. It may be something simple and it may be something that will take some work, but all in all, communication between the two individuals is key.

I also believe that even if one person wants sex more in a relationship, a happy medium can be found in any disagreement. You can say, "I don't agree with you but I understand where you are coming from."

If two people will try this scenario, I bet an agreement can be reached.

April 25, 2010 - 9:31am


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