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(reply to Anonymous)

no, YOU are stupid for not actually reading what these women are saying. There are women in the world who moan that all men want is sex - but that is because all some men want IS sex! but not our men. our men all love us, they used to have sex with all the dam time and we were happy! We didnt fall in love with them because they didnt want sex, we fell in love with them because of who they are. it is THEM who have now seemingly lost their sex drive.

This is a problem for so many of us so dont you come on here acting like a complete tosser. you didnt have to come into this discussion. if your male which im guessing you are then it has absolutly nothing to do with you!!

and next time before you make stupid pigheaded comments, how about actually reading the posts?! there was sex in the beginning for all of us! none of us are even near the first few dates mark so dont be so god dam stupid and degrading.

March 29, 2010 - 7:01am


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