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(reply to Anonymous)

I was looking for a man's point of view, and I found your post somewhat hepful, but also, a bit too general. Yes, men do develop their sexuality later than women, however, not all of them experience sexual rejection in their 20s and therefore do not have to deal with control issues later on. The fact that many men prefer to be with much younger women is widely known, however, it is becoming more and more common for women in their late 30s to 50s to date much younger men. One of the reasons for this might be the fact that women reach their sexual peak later than men do. Also, they take better care of themselves compared to a generation or two ago, and as a result of that, they are attractive long after they turn 23. I am 32 and I find that men approach me now much more than 5-10 years ago. Most of them are in their early to mid-20s, too.

March 27, 2010 - 9:07pm


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