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EmpowHER Guest

I am going through the exact same thing. And when I question him about it he says he doesn't know. He lives 3 hours away...we used to live together but his job moved him to another place. He lives in a hotel for 2 weeks at a time then comes and visits me for his week off. I feel like in that week there is barely anytime to do anything. For the first few sets that he came home, all we did was have sex. And now we rarely do. I came to visit him at his hotel for 3 days...and we have yet to have sex. I tried I was touching him and shit and he just looked at me...should we go to bed??? I feel like its me...but then I went into the bar in his hotel today and seen this rlly sexy waitress working...she was dressed like in rlly short shorts and a tang top...and I said to my bf...wow shes dressed a little inaproiatly...and he didnt say anyting he just grunted...Im rlly stressed that he doesntwant to have sex with me because he has found someone better here....and since i cant always be there for him he has just stopped wanting me.

March 26, 2010 - 7:24pm


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