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EmpowHER Guest

I am a 23 year old female with the same issue (hence that's why I'm reading this) my boyfriend and I have been together for over 2years. He's sweet, kind, caring and sensitive (for a guy) just all around a great guy and love him very much. So anyhoo, we used to have sex all the time several times a week, now its maybe 2 times a month! I'm pretty horny for a women so now its always ME that intiates to have sex. And no I don't think he's cheating, and work and everything else is the same. So a women will naturally assume its HER and so self esteem goes down your confidence and your spirit. You feel unwanted, unloved, unsexy and overall....rejected. We've talked a couple times and everytime he says the same thing "its not you, its me", "I'm just not a horny guy". So what am I to think??! Is it ME? Is he losing his sexual desire for me?

March 25, 2010 - 12:20pm


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