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EmpowHER Guest

I'm a man (24) and will explain some few things here:
life has changed dramatically sinse women have started demanding more and more decision making power - to the disadvantage of us men, upto a certain age.
See, during the teenage years and at school e.g. girls used to have everything boys had + the sexual power 89% of them posessed naturally.Our physical advantage didn't count because we were either competing against our mates or were doomed to tame ourselves. In fact todays society seems to suit girls.
They decide whom to be with, when and how to end a relationship and wheter to focus on study or live a life full of parties and multiple sexpartners and then marry a rich guy later. what they forget is that their physical attraction starts fading from the age of 23.
Women think they would always be wanted, desired and loved unconditionally because thats what they' ve experienced since birth. Men have always been rejected
unless they were lucky. But it was never in their power to fullfill their sexual needs when they were between about 14 to 28 years old till they get used to it and watch porn instead - frustrating years you can immagine especially when sex is so vital to a man's health compared to food.
By the time they finish school and start earning their own money things seem to change dramatically: all of a sudden the girls their age and younger start to have interest in them which sounds great at first but tastes bitter on the long run.
To put it in a nutshell men feel betrayed and cheated on before even starting a ralationship - anytime you ask a couple about the number of partners they had prior their partnership women often have had far more partners than their boyfriends had.
This alone makes men have the urge to make up leeway wheter they love their partner or not.
Further more men start to realize that women are just as horny as they (men) were when they were younger, women just had the opportunity to still their desires - just reading your posts alone is evident. Now guess who has the power of control now;
now that your reflexive sexual attraction has gone?
To be honest men look at women at their 30s differently and so do they look at them after a longer relationship regardless of age.

March 23, 2010 - 1:03pm


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