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Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

so i talked to my boyfriend...he trains for jui jitsu and has a physical job ...dont get me wrong i do put that in to cosideration as to why were not having sex as much hes tired you know but when i talked to him i was asking him maybe if he was stressed out about something and he says no so im kinda like well i guess thats not the reason so i guess hes just tired but because hes tired were just never gonna have sex ?? cause i mean he could at least make time for me on his days off or something i mean im not asking for much but it kills me when hes a sleep and i cant help but to lay up all night thinking i cant believe this shit again???? and he had the nerve to turn around on me when we talked about and said well i didnt relize thats all you think about that it mattered to you that much ...im sorry but it does matter to me once it been over a month i feel not loved by him i feel ugly i feel fat i feel sedpressed and im not a ugly person im no model but im not ugly i love him to death and i have lots of plans for us but do i put with this forever ...i thought maybe we might have sex since i talked to him two days ago and nope nothing maybe a lil more cuddling thats it ... so now what ???? please help

March 13, 2010 - 12:51pm


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