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(reply to Anonymous)

thank you for your reply. i believe he is faithful to me but i think also that my feelings may drive him to cheat. it is really hard to snap myself out of wondering where he is,who he is with etc and even when i am out i wonder if he is straight on the computer watching porn!! i know it is stupid for me to feel this way but he acts like he doesn't care anymore.I get looks from men and its the only confidence boost i get (how sad is that!!)i can't help but feel like he should appreciate me a bit more. i keep my body in shape and know i am not repulsive but recently i cant look in the mirror and think of anything nice looking back. i don't want to leave the house...even with him as i feel every single girl is prettier than me....it's a strange place for me to be in at 21!! i should be out partying not living like this. i never had a self esteem problem until now...not like this.

he says he goes through 'phases' with the urge to watch porn but i have yet to see a 'phase' when he is interested in me. i try not to nag because i don't want to push him away but when i know he has been watching porn and i am going without it really hurts. he has seen me break down in tears because of how inadequate the comment of 'looking for something new' made me feel and i know he was sorry for that but it hasn't stopped him carrying it on. he is just more careful to delete the computer history!!!

when i try to talk to him he says i am paranoid and jealous but i just want a simple answer as to what i can do to get him interested again......he just sulks and wont talk to me. and then makes me feel bad about making him feel bad..........so confusing.

i know i am not the only one and when i found this site i cried on seeing how many women are feeling the same pain i am right now. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 13, 2010 - 12:37pm


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