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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Kayleigh,

If you can read 40 pages of posts on this exact subject, you will know that your not alone. There can be so many different reasons for the lack of sexual interest that it would be hard to pinpoint the exact reason.

Do you think he is cheating? Is he overly stressed? Depressed? Have you talked to him about this? Do you think he is addicted to pornography? Is it maybe sexual dysfunction problems on his side?

There are so many women that have been in your situation but while trying to figure out the reasoning behind his lack of interest is making sure you do not fall prey to your own depression, feelings of inadequacy and so forth. You have explained that you are already feeling that way.

Talking to him is best to try and figure out why his interest has dissolved or is less satisfying to you. After all, this is not a selfish question. Ask! Do you question his faithfulness?

March 13, 2010 - 11:12am


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