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i have been with my boyfriend for over two years. i am 21 and he is 34. when we first got together we had sex 3-4 times a week and very quickly it went down to once or twice. nowadays i am lucky if i get sex once every few weeks and even then it's usually me that has to suggest it! I know he watches porn a lot but i cant understand why , if he feels the need, does he not have sex with me? i know i have not physically changed so it's not my looks that turn him off....maybe it's something else. i once asked him why he watches porn and he said 'i was looking for something new' i feel really let down and now have developed jealousy when he flirts or even talks with other women. my self-esteem has completely been shot and i don't know what to do. i feel for every woman in this situation because it is a confusing place to find yourself in. i love him but i start doubting now that he feels the same way just because of sex.........surely it shouldn't matter that much to me?? if someone can help by telling me this is normal or that i am just crazy please do x people say guys watching porn is natural however should it be done when he is ignoring his girlfriends needs and satisfying his by watching fake women making fake noises instead of being in bed with the woman he claims to love?? PLEASE HELP x thank you

March 13, 2010 - 8:51am


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