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I have he same exact problem. We used to have sex like 3 times a day now it's down to 1 time a day. I have to beg him for sex, I find that odd, doesn't the guy want sex more than the girl? Last night I begged him until we had sex but I feel he only had sex to shut me up. He went to Arizona on February 26th through the 28th he came back around 1 in the morning on Sunday, and we had sex for an hour and a half, and he wasn't even done when we went to sleep, it was very passionate, he was being very affectionate telling me he loved me and that he wants to be with me forever, that lasted for 2 days, now the passion stopped, I can see on weekdays he's tired from work, but even weekends he doesn't want to have sex he goes to bed really early, I don't know what the problem is. He's 21 years old he should want to have sex all the time. Don't tell me to get another boyfriend or anything, i love him and want to be with him forever

March 9, 2010 - 11:14am


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