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EmpowHER Guest

i totally agree with you me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years now and we used to have sex alot then it went to 1 or 2 time times a week then to maybe 1 a month and now its been about a month an a half just like you and i cant help but think hes cheating or hes not attracted to me anymore or im not exciting enough anymore i dont know what it is but i have talked to him about oit and all he does is laugh it off or just listen and say nothing i odnt believe he is cheating but its really messing with me mentally i just sit here and cry and put myself down im really hurting and i also need advice ...he told me when i first met him that i should know sometimes he doesnt want to have sex for a while but i payed no mind because at the time we were having sex everyday ...what happened to us i love him so much and im just so sad ?? what do i do we have so many plans i love him to much to just walk away

March 8, 2010 - 11:21pm


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