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EmpowHER Guest

From what read, No one of you are doing anything wrong, i think they are just having a hard time at work or school, they might be stressed.

Try talking to your boyfriend, and if he DID cheat on you, i hate to say it but MOVE ON!
You can get SO much better!

But also it might be that your boyfriend is now more concentrating at school/work, like i said before talk to him!

If he doesnt want to talk surely somethings wrong, but dont go like a maddog asking like whats wrong each day!In the end you will get an clear answer, hopely

Good luck to all of you girls wich are encountering this problem...
Im just fine with my girl, 5 times a week.
Hey! dont blame me! she wanted it!

March 8, 2010 - 1:03pm


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