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EmpowHER Guest

I am in a similar situation. I've been dating my boyfriend for 1.5 years and it seems like he doesn't want to have sex anymore. We used to have sex all the time, he used to actually enjoy hanging out with me and now we never have sex. The last time was around thanksgiving 2009. He never goes anywhere with me alone. Some one else always has to be there. I keep tryin to talk to him about things but he always gets mad cuz I think he's cheating on me but I kno he isn't and he gets mad that he has to keep reassuring me he's not but its driving me crazy. Even when I bring up not having sex or when I try to talk about things we used to talk about all the time, he gets mad or is uninterested in hearing wat I have to say. I love him or atleast I think I still do. He used to be an awesome person but everythings just been going down hill. I don't kno wat to do anymore. I miss the way things used to be.

March 2, 2010 - 2:07pm


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