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EmpowHER Guest

I don't know how long ago you wrote this, but I've been experiencing the same thing. We've been together for about a year and a half now. We use to have sex everyday couple times a day. And of course the numbers got less and less. But now every time I ask he always say's HE'S TIRED. He works one full-time job and the work isn't that strenuous. I once made a joke that we should start scheduling it so that at least I would know exactly when we were going to have sex, but he said that are situation isn't that bad. But to me it is. I love him and I understand that after a long day at work all you want to do is relax, but to me sex is relaxing and enjoyable, no matter what mood I'm in. I try to ask him what we or I should do about it. And he say's that maybe we're just not right for each other. Maybe so, but then why am I up at 10:33 at night on a Friday sitting here writing this. If I didn't care I would have threw in the towel months ago.
What should I DO?

February 27, 2010 - 1:36am


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