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(reply to Anonymous)

well i have been going through some similar sex problems and from what i have been seen with my own eyes is that if you pressure him everyday about having sex then he is just going to block you out completely. it doesnt mean he is cheating its just that he is starting to see it as an obligation instead of something he should do because he wants to.. some of us women are trying to force our men into having sex with us that its tearing us apart inside when we get rejected.. i posted a few days ago that my man dont want to have sex with me, i thought it was because i am pregnant and some men arent as comfortable with having sex with their spouse while carrying a child but i sat down for hrs and talked to him and we got down to the bottom of it and had the most amazing sex ever the other night.. he told me that he was using the fact that i was pregnant to get out of having sex because he felt to much pressure to have sex. he went from wanting sex all the time to never wanting sex. i found myself mad everyday all day because i could not get my man to have sex with me.. but i listened to him and i stopped trying to seduce him and trying to convince him to have sex with me and he came to me on his own a few days later.. so i guess the best thing to do is pretend that you dont want it, even though you really and i mean really want it you just have to put ur needs aside and let him come to you... or you can do what i did and talk to him ask him why he dont want to have sex, if its because your on his case about it all the time, or if its something else.. and ladies the worse thing u can do is keep accusing ur man of sleeping with someone else because that pushes them away as well and makes them not want to sleep with u too.. trust me i accused him too

February 21, 2010 - 7:44pm


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