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EmpowHER Guest

Guy confession: I have always gone after my girlfriend for sex, and I guess at some point she took for granted that i always wanted it and if she said no i would just try again the next day. WELL, after a month of me suggesting and trying to get things going and her just not being reciprocal (or me going down on her and then her just going to bed satisfied without returning the favor), I backed off completely: no touching, no suggesting, no flirting. and guess what? she has been asking, almost begging for sex for the last 3 weeks. and i intend to keep the dry spell until she realizes that im not a booty call for whenever she's horny. I dont know if anyone else has been in the same situation or reacted that way, but thats the way i did it, and she's desperate for it now.. It is a lovely payback!

February 19, 2010 - 6:48pm


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