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EmpowHER Guest

i have the same problem and i don´t know what to do anymore. i never had much self confidence but now i am on my lowest point.i feel ugly and disgusting and i just wanna lock myself in a dark room and never come out again. i have millions of other problems and i want at least my relationship to be good. i always wished so bad for a good relationship with enough sex that is fun and satisfying. everything is actually fine to me apart from that he simply does not wanna have sex with me. i get rejected all the time and its hurting me so bad. i think i just don´t turn him on in any way even tho he says i am perfect to him. i don´t believe it. if i was perfect to him he would want me and would want to sleep with me. its depressing me so bad that i started to take meds a few months ago to. i don´t know how long i can take this. its just totally crushing me. i want him and he is turning me on so bad. hes just so sexy to me.i constantly see him around and i am not allowed to touch him in a sexual way. that is just pure torture for me.i think he is just unhappy with me and got bored of me :(

February 17, 2010 - 6:19pm


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