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I read through a few pages of this post and a lot of what im seeing is women who MAY be pushing their guy away by being so needy about sex.
Look, you girls talk about needy guys all the time, but you can be just as guilty of it. If you are one of these girls who says things like "I want it so bad but when I talk to him about it he just gets distant" or something similar you might just ask yourself how you would feel if you were in his shoes. Forget about what how he "should" feel about sex and the frequency of sex. I dont care how old the guy is, if a girl is putting on the pressure there is a huge potential to go into denial mode (like when a salesmen asks you do you like " xyz"? and you say NO even though you may have no preference, you say no because you can FEEL him wanting to get a hook in you, so you deny everything you think he wants). I'm not sure if i'm putting this in a way that is easily understood, feel free to ask for clarification if any or all of this makes no sense to you. Anyway this is just my opinion on why some of you may be having this issue. And I would like to point out that it doesnt have to be a big problem, and it doesnt make you a horrible person. I'm not trying to attack anyone, just give an objective opinion.

February 17, 2010 - 11:35am


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