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Hey Evan. My boyfriend and I have been together off and on for two yrs now. Last January we were living together and engaged. Since then we have broken up, moved out, and we are no longer engaged, but we are still together. We spend every single night together, and have been for months. He smokes pot every day and I rarely see him sober, EVER. He is 24 and in a band, he puts the band, his "career", although he has also a full time job, and smoking pot before me constantly. I am a 23 yr old single mother, and he is mildly bi-polar, which does seem to effect our relationship a lot. He has become very distant the past couple of months, less affectionate and every time we've had sex Ive initiated it, although Ive been turned down on MANYYYY occasions and maybe 4 times, maybe 5 times in the past two months we have made love. He always says he is "too tired" or he says that he feels too "fat" too. He is a very attractive guy and has put on 10 pounds over the winter, you cannot even tell a difference. I am almost 100% sure he is not cheating, he works from 9am-6 or 7pm every night, has band practice then comes straight over, doesnt own a car and lives the next street over from me. I'm not trying to sound conceited but I am a good looking girl as well and he tells me he is still attracted to me but then why the lack of affection? It makes me feel unwanted, I want so badly to be wanted. I am giving and getting nothing in return romantically. I didnt get anything for Valentines day, he slept all day and the next night he took me to dinner and a movie. He picked HIS movie, I couldnt watch mine, although it was "my (LATE) v-day gift" and he got high the SECOND we walked into the house and practically ignored me the rest of the night! Help!!

February 17, 2010 - 1:02am


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