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I am having the same problem in a way.. i am 25 yrs old and i have been dating my boyfriend for 10 months now. at first sex was great we had it all the time but then i got pregnant right away i am about to deliver our baby on the 23rd of this month and my boyfriend refuses to have sex with me. we moved in together after dating for 4 months. he is 28 yrs old and im not sure if its because he went from being a single man doing whatever he wants to do to a man living a family life. i have a 18 month old son already that calls him daddy and he takes care of my son as if he was his own. it has been almost 3 months now since i have had sex with my boyfriend and it is just tearing me apart. he dont spend time with me on his days off from work he comes home and sleeps the entire day away and wakes up in the middle of the night when he knows im asleep.. when we do finally have sex i can tell he dont want to and half the time he cant even keep it up for longer than 5 minutes. he swears that it is because i am pregnant and my belly keeps getting in the way but we switched it up so that my belly wouldnt even be touching him let alone facing him and still it wont stay up.. i have went from being a strong confident woman to a woman with very little self-esteem.. i keep accusing him of cheating because when we first started dating he made it very clear that he is a very sexual person but yet he wont have sex with me anymore... can a man really go from being super sexual to barely having sex ever? or is he out there cheating on me?

February 16, 2010 - 8:21pm


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