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EmpowHER Guest

I am going threw the same thing, my boyfriend is in his "prime" but it seems i want more sex than he does!!. he isnt cheating on me i know that for a fact, we spend every minute together and he would never do that to me, i just dont know why this is happening. I always look my best for him i've even tried doing new things in bed, it seems to work ....but... for only that time. He tells me im beautiful and sexy all the time and he will rub my tummy and kiss my breasts but thats it. sometimes when i reach over to try to start something sexy he will push me away, THIS DOESNT happen all the time but it has happend so much that i dont even want to try anymore. He says he loves me and OMG he does! he goes out of his way to show it sometimes, and thats why i love him but i just dont know what to do i've tried everything and nothing is working i dont know if its me or if its him. I dont want to break up with him i love him and hes very nice but i dont want to ask for sex, HE should come to me BUT... if i wait for that the time will never come. This has never happend to me before normally i'm the one who has to push guys away when they wanna get a lill something, so i dont even know what to do!!! he says he wants to be respectable towards me and he says its not me i understand but a relationship with out sex is called friendship and he doesnt understand that. I like sex i want sex i dont want to give it up..but i think i might have to. Before i didnt even want to have sex with other guys but now i dont know if its because i love him and i can see us together that i want to have sex all the time with him, AND try new things that i have NEVER tried bfore or would ever try but with him its different i want every piece of him all the time. what can i do?? AM i just being a horn-ball or is this probem 4 real??

February 16, 2010 - 5:24pm


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