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EmpowHER Guest

i have the same problem with my boyfriend and I'm only 18 years old. we have been together for almost 4 years now and we use to have sex as much as we could whenever an opportunity came up, now I have myself begging for sex. and I will constantly put on sexy lingerie and he will flat out reject me. Today I filled up the bathtubs and put in rose petals and light candles, and my boyfriend just decided he didn't want to come over and have sex even after I told him everything I just did. I will constantly whisper sexy things into his ear, surprised him w. oral sex, everything I read in cosmo to make a guy want you and nothing works for him. He tells me he still wants me that he just doesn't feel like having sex. We have sex probably once every one or two weeks, which is not enough for me and I try and talk to him about it but I can tell I just discourage him and push him away even more because he knows he isn't satisfying me. He's 18 years old, shouldn't he be full of hormones, I don't get it! and I'm pretty sure he's not cheating on me because I'm with him all the time, and I just would know. But I have no other ideas what this could be about, and I'm so sick of feeling miserable when he rejects me, I want some one to want me. But I do love him and I want to be with him. How do I fix this, and make myself happy again, it's making me beyond miserable and I'm beginning to resent him. HELP!

February 16, 2010 - 4:25pm


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