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EmpowHER Guest

EM, I am sorry but I strongly believe that you are in this pickle because you allow and even encourage porn. Porn is super degrading and brainwashes men in to seeing all women as objects. Of course it's easier to sit there and jerk off than to "work" a little to provide sexual intimacy. And he is clearly addicted...you can't just smoke a little bit if you are a smoker!
The whole threeway that he wants is because of porn.
You maybe need to start asking for what is best for you. Do you really want to come second to some pathetic porno fantasy? It is addictive as there is no back cover to the internet. Try reading soem literature about what porn REALLY does to men and how it affects them and braiwashes them. It emasulates men and makes women unhappy, insecure and used. Is that what you want? Try asking him to pit the porn aside for a week or two and see if he can or will do that for you. If he can't then he is addicted and if he can you both might like what happens.

February 7, 2010 - 4:56pm


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