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EmpowHER Guest

I ve been dating my BF for 7 months. In the beggining sex was non stop. We have an amazing relationship but the sex is gone.
He is in front of his pc all day. When I come home from work, he spends 1 hour with me and again in front of the pc.
I dont' care if he watches porn. I encourage it we do it together. However he's become complaisant. We hardly go to bed together anymore. Although we are together everyday, I wish he could shut off the PC 2 nights a week just us time. If he is not on his pc he is on playstation. I cant do this anymore. I don't know what to say or do? He rather play with him self than have sex? Is this normal.? I'm at my sexual prime. We are both in our early 40's. I'm not demanding, I work, and I still have a high sex drive. This is not good. I don't want to loose him, I love him. However, I need him to understand how I feel. I think he is punishing me for not having a 3 way with another women? I am not into this anymore, I explained it to him from the beginning. I want this to work, what do I do. EM in NY

February 7, 2010 - 1:27pm


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