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EmpowHER Guest

May is Melanoma Awareness Month. You can make a difference. Schedule an appoinment with a friend today to see a dermatologist for a skin exam, it could really save your life. Each person you convince to stop using tanning beds, is a life you could be saving. Aqua Tan is the healthy alternative for a GORGEOUS GLOW! They are running a special this month. Send them the email address of anyone you can convince to stop using tanning beds and they’ll send you a 5% off coupon. You can sign the tanning bed petition in their on-line Skin Cancer Resource Center. As a SPECIAL THANK YOU for helping save lives they are extending a 10% discount to customers. Just Enter Coupon Code: ISAVELIVES at check out. http://www.aqua-tan.com.

May 19, 2009 - 9:26pm


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