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(reply to Anonymous)

Thanks, point well taken, but I have not had a steroid injection in nearly a year. I'm a medical journalist, thus I know about steroids and weight gain. Spinal injections would not cause a 20 pound weight gain. I've begun to take bile salts and the weight is slowly coming off. Bile salts and vigorous exercise seem to be helping. I love to dance and swim and run, so I've been doing plenty of these activities since my original post. It's a battle to get the weight off but I'm back in a size 10 from a 12-14. Light at the end of the tunnel! I just cannot allow myself to go one day without frenetic exercise. Yesterday I scrubbed floors, mopped, swept, and that was my limit for one day. Amazingly I am eating very little. But hey, I'm 58 and for my age I think I'm doing okay. I don't need to be a size 6 again. An 8 would be great but this crazy vanity has got to go. My face is very youthful, my butt is tiny, I just have this spare tire that annoys the devil out of me! Thanks to one and all. I'll get there. ~ Beth

October 7, 2010 - 1:19am


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