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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I can truly relate to the hunger pangs and increased eating with weight gain. I realize everyone is different but what helped my hunger pangs was Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I make a warm beverage first thing in the morning. I grab a mug fill with water and microwave for about 1 minute. Place 2 tsps of vinegar and add stevia to taste. Some people use honey but I use stevia to keep the calories down. Then I do the same thing between lunch and dinner to stave off my hunger pangs. The only exception is my afternoon beverage is cold not warmed(just a preference). You may do this up to 3 times a day, whenever your hunger pangs hit. Be sure to rinse your mouth afterwards, due to the acidity in vinegar. I hope this works for you! Also, my doctor suggested a more high protein (to help to feel satiated) and low-fat snacks/diet, for weight loss and compensate for the lack of a gallbladder . I gathered from our conversation, my body is more apt to turn fat into fat because those acids/enzymes to break down the fat are missing. You are obviously not alone. I used the above suggestions and lost weight. Let me know if this helps. Thanks!

May 23, 2015 - 2:40pm


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