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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My 13 yr old son always told me that he just forgot and then his cyst was discovered. I think atleast in my sons case his cyst did cause those kinds of issue. Since his surgery on june 16 it is almost like having a different child. He is still his self just all the issues are so much different now. He is still a teenager but the extreme mood changes and the memory issue are more like that of a normal teen. I talked openly to my son when we found out about his cyst and had the same worries that you are talking about. I think looking back and talking with him about these thing now it was more like he finally felt like there was a reasons for him having all the issues he had. From parent to parent I dont think that it is a bad thing that your daughter is inform with what is going on in her body. It was very hard for my son before we found out what was really going on in his body and he could not explain to anyone. Before his surgery he was on meds for ADHD, seeing a theropist and in all kinds of help groups for kid with behavior issues. Now he is on no meds and he has had no problems other than the normal teenage stuff so much different from what I was use too. I tell everyone that I have had to start relearning my son. The things I had gotten use to doing and sign the lead to blowups no long signal the same things. Keep the lines of communication open with your daughter remember she is just as scared and in the dark as you are.

August 31, 2010 - 7:00pm


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