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Hello there! i finally feel well enough to get on the computer - I wanted to give you all an update and also get your input on an issue that i am having.
My surgery went well, i was in for only 6 hours. The surgeon was concerned that my epidermoid tumor had meshed itself into the brain and he feared that he would have to leave some of the casing. this would mean that i would have to have surgery again in about 15 to 20 years, as leaving the casing - the tumor would grow back. Well, thanks to all the prayers and the good Lords healing hand, the tumor "popped" right out! it is completely gone and as a result, will not come back. I was in the hospital for a week, no walker, no cane, no nothing to bring home with me. It has taken these past three weeks to regain enough strength in my neck to hold my head up for longer than 20 minutes before i have to rest it. I drove for the first time today, was "weird" lol. I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I don't go back to work until the 25th, and then only for 4 hours for a week, then 6, then 8.
This past weekend, i did suffer some extensive depression however. My issue, the one that i need your advise and input on, is that there are days where my legs cannot even hold up my body weight and it is an effort just to walk across the room. I was crying uncontrollably this weekend as i feel so helpless when this happens. I was only in the hospital for a week, so i don't understand why my legs are doing this. My upper body is fine (arms, legs, etc) Is this normal?

February 16, 2010 - 7:35am


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