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EmpowHER Guest

I have lived with and through menopause with three women, my mom, my first wife, and now the woman I have been with for six years. Menopause affected them all (and me) and the only way to deal with it is to acknowledge it and treat it with humor and compassion. It is a passing chemical condition that makes once normal women nuts in one way or another. As you will note,most of the woman who have had to deal with it, think the commercial is hysterical. People, it is a commercial...it is satire. It is only an invitation to buy a cool fruit drink that will help deal with the human condition....CHILL. It is really funny. Thanks to Jack, I laugh every time I see it because it reminds me of all the funny crazy things I have experienced living with menopausal women!

May 20, 2009 - 11:36am


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