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EmpowHER Guest

I have the same issue as Anon on both my right and left foot that I noticed last summer when putting on my sandals. I thought I have never had this spacing in the past. I just celebrated my 45th birthday. Other symptoms that have recently started are a swollen raised area between the first and second toe that varies in the amount of swelling much more pronounced on the left. I do feel some pinching pain on occasion in my foot while performing regular activities on my left foot. When my foot has swelling on top if I wear certain shoes I have discomfort if the shoe covers the swollen area closely. It sounds like it could be a Morton's neuroma however they say a neuroma between the 1st and 2nd toe is uncommon. I also have Morton's toe (2nd toe larger than the big toe). Could this be a Morton's neuroma? Thanks for any help Anne.

June 28, 2009 - 4:48pm


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