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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

"and yes it is a very real deformity"

There IS no "real" deformity, there is just a human made definition of what is "deformed" and what is not.
This definition also depends on social structure and historical time.
In the Middle Ages your breasts wouldn't be defined as "deformity", they would probably have been close to the ideal of "beauty". Instead your bottom, if it's not overtly big and voluptous, would have been classified as "inadequate". Here comes your "reality"...
Maybe some people are just exxageratedly paranoid with finding out what's THE norm, think "norm" is mandatory or representative for the majority of the population and there can be only a norm of ONE ideal which everything else is subordinated to and deviancy classified as "freakish" or "deformed".
What about investing more time in taking your part in changing these fucked-up, obviously harmful and self-esteem shattering norms instead of recklessly supporting them?
Don't get me wrong, I don't deplore your feelings, I can understand them to some degree, but the discriminating way you are elaborating them against others. And yes, you're right, there are many, many women with those kinds of breasts. So one third or so of all women are "deformed" and "unnatural" (due to your statement, that these are no natural breast form, but a DEformity)? That's in its logic like saying only brown eyes are natural and everything else is a "deformity" which should be "reconstructed", although there is a great percentage of humans who have green, grey and blue eyes. And if you claim there is no significant relevance to people's eye colours you forget, that e.g. the German Nazis classified non-"arian" looking human beings as "Untermenschen" and persecuted them. An item defining arians was eyecolour - among actually every other aspect of the whole human body including the head, which was fanatically calculated and measured what is the "perfect arian body".
I don't want to live in a society that treats people and their bodies like products, that frantically tries to standardize bodies and eradicate difference and deviance and make everybody run after the exact same phyical norm. Honestly, the recent developements scare me a lot.

Well, back to the point: If you choose to put yourself down and view yourself as some kind of monster this is really sad and regrettable, but probably no one can help you here, maybe a good therapist and maybe a loving partner and/or very good friends who care for YOU, perhaps they can do better than a - mainly interested in money - plastic surgeon. Breasts are not the only problem, they just serve as a welcome surface to project and distract from other problems (as well internal as external ones). Maybe realizing that not every man prefers big round, teardrop-shaped breasts could help too, but for many men different kinds of breasts are equally attractive and other factors than breasts are often much more sexually relevant, even if media industry and porn tells you otherwise and is also influencing men and boys in their perception of the female body (and I know this can still be extremely self-esteem shattering of own experience -.-).
But stop discriminating millions of women who naturally come with this breast-shape! (this definitely counts for the author, too)
What's all this wanting people to look all the same and put down those who do not qualify for YOUR opinion of how one should look like, which is what you think others think all people should look like? This is insulting and respectless. You do not only shatter your own self esteem, but those of all other women with those kind of breasts and with those kinds of statements you make it even harder for people, whose bodies do not comply with standardized rules of how a body should look like, to be accepted and appreciated and thus to accept and apprechiate themselves.
That others do act the same way and that "society" supposedly "is just like that", like a totally social darwinistic dystopia, is just a cheap excuse for you acting exactly the same: discriminate and humiliate people who don't fit in artificial standards. You hide behind assholes to justify your disrespectful opinion about others. Thank you so much!^^ -.- (this also counts for the author)
says: a young women who also has "tuberous breasts" and who is also far from being sublime to self-esteem shattering remarks about her breast shape and size and that's why such thoughtless discrimination upsets me.

@the author: Would you post a link to this forum discussion you were writing about?

" Anonymous August 3, 2009 - 8:22pm

You will note that it's the plastic surgery industry that consistently uses the term "tuberous breast deformity".

And while we're playing with semantics and terminology, remember that it was also not too long ago that homosexuality was considered a "disease" that needed to be "cured"."


July 9, 2010 - 9:30pm


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